
5 Best FPS Boosters for Gaming on PC 2024

5 Best Game FPS Boosters for PC · 1. LagoFast - More than an FPS booster · 2. WTFast · 3. Game Fire · 4. Wise Game Booster · 5. Smart Game Booster.

FPS Booster

- FPS Booster prevents the useless updates, which reduces CPU strain and makes the game run faster. To achieve this, I rename the Update() and LateUpdate() ...

Game Booster

2024年3月20日 — Game Booster app is designed to optimize your Windows system for gaming. By temporarily shutting down unnecessary background processes, ...

How to Increase FPS & Boost Your Gaming PC

Check out what FPS boost is and get the best way to increase FPS in gaming through RAM optimization, graphics driver update and graphics card overclocking.

How to Monitor & Increase FPS

For one-click CS:GO FPS booster, try Smart Game Booster. It helps to increase CS:GO FPS and show CS:GO FPS in game, which gives you better gaming experience!

Razer Cortex: Game Booster ????

Razer Cortex: GAME BOOSTER increases your FPS by micro-managing your Windows OS and non-essential applications using two core modes: one that disables CPU sleep ...

Smart Game Booster

Smart Game Booster is an easy-to-use yet efficient game optimization utility, essential for any gamer who wants a smoother gaming experience. Boost FPS. As an ...

Smart Game Booster

Smart Game Booster enables higher FPS by unlocking full potential of CPU&GPU to achieve smoother animations with less tearing and lower system latency. Gaming ...

Steam 工作坊:

This is a mini fps booster which increases the frame rate in-game by 5-15%. It works by reducing the number of raycast calculations the game does to work ...


5BestGameFPSBoostersforPC·1.LagoFast-MorethananFPSbooster·2.WTFast·3.GameFire·4.WiseGameBooster·5.SmartGameBooster.,-FPSBoosterpreventstheuselessupdates,whichreducesCPUstrainandmakesthegamerunfaster.Toachievethis,IrenametheUpdate()andLateUpdate() ...,2024年3月20日—GameBoosterappisdesignedtooptimizeyourWindowssystemforgaming.Bytemporarilyshuttingdownunnecessarybackgroundprocesses, ...,Checkoutw...